What is in a beard? A beard by any other name would be so sweet. Well it is not quite a rose yet it attributes emotional responses like that of a rose. We all see them. They are everywhere; these patches or growths of hair on our chins and lower cheek area.
A Man Apart from the Flock
Bearded Synonyms
Your Man-Mane has been called by many names: facial hair, whiskers, stubble, designer stubble, five o'clock shadow, bristles; full beard, goatee, imperial, Vandyke, Abe Lincoln, side whiskers, sideboards, sideburns, mutton chops; mustache, mustaches; Yet all these I feel do not give a proper definition. I feel there is no feeling involved in these depictions of what it REALLY is.
Her Bearded Desire
Dominant Man
Beards represent a perception or aura of dominance. There are physical characteristics that lend people the perception of a man’s inferiority. A man’s jawline or complexion of his skin can lead people to believe that he is not as masculine as other males. By growing facial hair, this can assist in hiding inferior features and lend to a more prominent male figure. Additionally, men with beards of grandeur tend to pay more attention to other physical aspects of their stature. These men will care more about their physique and more times then not have a more muscular build. Proportionately, this more muscular build may also assist in promoting a more prominent beard.